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HRH Belgrade on the SHDM III Pre-Event: The Role of Civil Society in Promoting & Protecting Human Rights


The pre-event, organized by the Human Rights House Foundation, Netherlands Helsinki Committee, and Austausch e.V. – For a European Civil Society (formerly DRA e.V.), with support from the European Union and the Netherlands, provided valuable insights into the role of civil society in promoting and protecting human rights.

During the event, Milan Filipović, from the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM) and representative of Human Rights House Belgrade, shed light on the situation of human rights in Serbia, highlighting challenges faced by human rights defenders. Baia Pataraia, representing Union Sapari and Human Rights House Tbilisi, shared experiences on challenges in Georgia, while Venera Djumataeva, representing Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Kyrgyz Service, provided insights on the human rights situation in Kyrgyzstan. Jacob Reimer, representing Austausch e.V., discussed civil society’s role and collaboration with the OSCE. Aicha Chaghouani from the Netherlands Helsinki Committee skillfully moderated the panel, ensuring diverse perspectives were heard. The collaboration between the organizers and co-sponsors showcased a collective commitment to advancing human rights and strengthening civil society within the OSCE framework.

The panel discussion allowed participants to engage with the speakers and gain valuable insights on the challenges faced by human rights defenders in their respective countries, emphasizing the importance of civil society in promoting and protecting human rights.

Recommendations were made to the OSCE bodies based on the discussions held during the event.